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Second Line Jazzband

19 februari, 2019 kl 18:30


Second Line Jazzband was formed in 1989 and since then has established a position as one of the most popular traditional jazzbands in Europe. Original improvisations and arrangements and a tremendous intensity in our playing have given us oppurtunities to perform at many jazz clubs and festivals, on TV and radio in, for example, England, Germany, France, Switzerland, Holland, Belgium, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Finland, Denmark, Norway and, of course, Sweden och  Aneby.

Many prominent musicians have guested with our band over the years such as Antti Sarpila, Lillian Boutté and Orange Kellin. Our unique style comes from our widely differing musical backgrounds but above all it is the New Orleans revival style which gives us the greatest inspiration and is the kind of music we specialize in. We do our best to keep the New Orleans music alive.

”Jazzvirtuosernas nyansrika spel, samstämmighet, precision och utstrålning förvandlade kvällen till en fullfjädrad show”
(Hallandsposten, Maria Nilsson)

”Briljant ung tradjazz!”
(Norra Hallandsposten, Claes Jaurelius)

”Alla genreetiketter känns plötsligt onödiga; det är bara tidlöst vackert!”
(Orkesterjournalen, Fredrik Tersmeden)

”Den sammtrimade sextetten svarade för ett friskt och fräckt utspel i en bejublad konsert”
(Hallandsposten, Gert-Ove Fridlund)

”Den enorma  vitalitet och spelglädje som släpps loss när bandet fått upp ångan saknar sin like bland jämförbara band i Sverige”
(Borås tidning, Rolf Haglund)


Jesper Albrektsson Trumpet & vocal
Jesper – has played with the Second Line since the very beginning, and works as a musician and is the head chef at the eminent restaurant Gottskär Hotell south of Gothenburg. He has developed his very own style of playing, but he is also a bit of a ”Bunk Johnson-phantom” and sometimes appears as the lead player at special Bunk-concerts. For many years Jesper was an organizer of the Gothenburg Jazz Festival.

Niklas Carlsson Trombone & vocal
Niklas is also one of the founder members and works full-time as a musician, playing all kinds of music. Sometimes he lendshis talents to studio work with horn sections and as a soloist. He has received several awards, for example ”Louis Armstrong award”, ”Swedish Open i Gladjazz soloistprice”, ”Malte Johnson award”. Niklas is also a talented songwriter.For many years Niklas also was an organizer of Gothenburg Jazz Festival.

Olof Skoog Saxophones, clarinet & vocal
Olof joined the band in 1997. He has been studying at Gothenburg Music University, and before that he was a student at ”Svalövs Musikfolkhögskola”, a school specializing in contemporary music. Olof is a full-time musician and has his own quartet, and also plays with all kinds of bands, for various occasions. He has been awarded ”Lerums kulturstipendium”, and the ”Louis Armstrong award”.

Anders Wasén Banjo
Anders worked for 30 years as a journalist at a daily newspaper. He grew up in a well-known musical family and is a bit of a jazz legend in Sweden thanks to his work with his jazz club in the 60s and 70s. Anders has also taken part in sessions with jazz celebrities like George Lewis, Chris Barber, Trummy

Per Bach Bass
Per works as an electrician, but his bass playing takes up a lot of his time. His popularity is perhaps a result of his ”slap”-technique, a style of playing few bass players are able to use.
In his spare time (if he has any), Per plays his 17th century cello with his own string quartet. A doublebass of his was stolen once in Copenhagen so please keep an eye out when you go to Denmark.

Johan Horner Drums
Johan, the baby boy of Second Line Jazzband, joined the band 2007. He has been studying music at Skurups Folkhögskola, a school specialising in jazz, and at Gothenburg Music University. Now he plays all kinds of jazz and blues and after moving from Skåne (the very south of Sweden) he has become a very sought after musician.


19 februari, 2019
Evenemang Kategori:


Aneby konserthus
Konserthusgatan 15


Aneby Jazzklubb